Hi friends,
You can start posting your comments, questions, articles on this blog. Every week we'll have a common topic to write on.
The topic for this week is "The day I received my Joining Letter..."
Seems interesting, hmm? Various thoughts about ILP started coming in mind the moment I received my joining letter. What happened next? I'll tell you in my next post. Till then, happy blogging :)
ILP Days...
Monday, May 28, 2007
Topic for this week
Posted by
ILP Days...
12:45:00 PM
Labels: Topic for the week
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well my joining letter stuff was a bit skewed.Everyone i knew had recieved the joining letter except me. when i called the concerned authority, they told your medical checkup record id missing, so you have to go to kolkata and attend the checkup again. As i had already donated much of my precious blood in bangalore, i was in no mood to do that again, and that too with the cost of enduring two overnight journeys to kolkata, never mention the accomodation hassles i would have undergone. So i told this HR person whom i called, that !@#$@#$@ medical report is misplaced by you, and its your duty to find where it is. It will be very difficult for me to go to Kolkata at this peak hour.
They found it, on 22nd of August, and mailed the joining letter the same day. And informed me to join ILP Bhubaneshwar on 28th of August.I recieved the mail just a day before i was about to leave. Else i had thought of accosting the concerned officials empty handed, but TCS didn't let that FUN materialize.. Well, whateva, nevermind..
netrey...good work.
I just wish,u had explained the ILP experience a bit more in detail.
But still good work.
By the way,a few of my friends and myself have got Trivandrum as the training center ;)
But am sure the places wnt b chngd :) ,cos my other frnds from colege have alredy been alotd to hyderbad and coimbatore.But still,waiting fr the Joining letter with bated breath ;)
All the best to u netrey....
Hi saTrisha,
Thanks for the appreciation. Hope u enjoy reading all the articles. Still there's more to come. I'll publish more articles as and when I get time.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Wish u all the best for ur ILP...
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