Hi Friends,
I received a lot of queries about the accommodation during ILP. So, posting this information about the accommodation. Any queries/suggestions are welcome.
TCS provides accommodation during ILP. It may be in TCS hostel or in a hotel. They charge you for the accommodation. The same is deducted from your salary in a month or two after you complete your ILP. 2 candidates share a room. Rooms are neat and clean. There will be two beds, a table, a cupboard and attached toilet/bathroom. Rooms are cleaned daily and bed sheets are changed every week. They provide keys for the room and cupboard. Carry an extra lock/key and chain in case they don’t provide the key for the cupboard, which was the case with us.
I had ILP in Hyderabad. Our accommodation was in Kondapur, Hitech City. Our stay was in Hotel Supreme Landmark, just opposite Satyam office. Training centre was at 20 mins distance by bus. Rooms were very nice. There were 2 buildings. All the girls were in the main building, except on the ground floor. We were in the other building just opposite to the main building. On each floor there were 3 rooms and a common hall. In the hall, there was a TV, a sofa set and a water cooler, also a common bathroom. There was a cafeteria in the main building. Other than breakfast and dinner, it's a good place for completing assignments too :-)
This was my room shared with a guy from Kolkata. Very nice indeed, isn't it?
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Posted by
ILP Days...
4:17:00 PM
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hai netrey thx very much...actually i have my sisters marriage in september.. iam joining in august..so will they give me leave..if so max how many days??
Hi G,
I understand ur concern for ur sister's marriage. Well, I'd like to share my experience with you. One of our ILP mate's father expired during ILP. He had to go back home, no matter what further consequences are. We had to literally fight for his leave approval. Well, that was sad. At last, he got 2 days leave approved and he had to come back after 2 days and complete ILP.
I think you must have got your answer, hmm? What more can I say?
hi ...
Accommodation is really Nice ..
How much does TCS charge us for these Accommodation ?
When did we receive our first salary ? Is it after Completion of ILP ?
thx very much..think have to miss my sisters marriage..wats the ILP timing usually 9 to??? also i heard alternate saturdays are working days..is it so.and is there any provision to exchange base centers with others when they post us?
Hi Friends,
Sunil, for accommodation, 2 month's HRA is deducted from your salary. We got our first salary after 2 months. I joined on August 10, 2006 and got 2 month's salary at the end of September. Well, that was the party time ;-)
"G" seems very curious about ILP, that's good. The timing is from 9 to 6. But you have to get up early and get ready because buses come at 6.30 sharp to take you to the training centre. At the training centre, you have time for the breakfast. At 9, the sessions start.
You have heard the correct thing about alternater working Saturdays. You have alternate Saturdays off and you can plan for visits to various places in the city.
Talking about your postings, the answer is YES. You can very well request MATC for exchange of base branches if you find someone willing to exchange the branch with yours. Even after you are posted, you can request MATC for the transfer, don't worry. Many of my colleagues have got the transfers.
hi this is kamlesh... hey v got d address as CMC centre Gachibowli in our joinin letter... but 2 days back got a mail frm TCS which stats d address as Deccan Park Madhapur... so dont kno whats goin.... also no clue abt accomodation... n also d name of coordinator is diff in d letter n mail... this is same for me n all my colleges...
Hi Kamlesh,
The CMC Centre, Gachibowli will be your training centre. I think your accommodation will be in Madhapur. It's a good place. There is TCS office Deccan Park in Madhapur. The training co-ordinator for CMC Centre is Ms. Indu Nair. Call and confirm the exact address of your stay before you go to Hyderabad.
Madhapur is far from Hyderabad station as well as from airport, so better confirm before you leave.
hey friend,
thanks a lot for the info. its really useful. i'd be going in for my ilp at hyderabad from 3rd oct. so its really beneficial
hey wanted to know abt the laundry services. is there some arrangement like copmmon washing machines or laundries etc....]
wat were u people doing.....
can u reply.
Hi Sujan,
Regarding your question about laundry service, a Dhobi used to come to the hotel and collect the clothes. He charged something like Rs.3 per pair of shirt-trousar.
But the problem was, we were not satisfied with the service. That dhobi spoiled many of my friend's clothes. He also trashed one of my formal shirts. I personally suggest you to look for a genuine laundry shop nearby.
can u tell me whether we are allowed to wear normal T-shirts with collar.....as we use to wear in colg with somethin written on it...etc....?
what exactly r the business casuals.....can u elaborate on that part more?
Will the ilp centre be same for all the person's selecetd in one college?
During the accomadation is ILP can we choose our room mates?
hi dude..waiting for u r update..say abt the center and the staff teaching..and really waiting bcoz i am joining on oct 8th..so think of knowing abt tat fullt..howz the net facility, and wat are they teaching u
Collared T-shirts are allowed. Avoid too much flashy, baggy clothes.
What you can count under business casuals are collared T-shirt (tucked in), simple jeans, khaki, shoes (chappals, slippers are strictly not allowed). Avoid wearing jeans with bulky pockets, flashy belts, three fourth, six pockets etc. You will be told about business casuals in details during ILP.
Hi Satish,
I understand your concern. You are allowed to use the Internet in ILP. There are time slots assigned to every batch. Only during that time they can access the net. The access is restricted, that means you are not allowed to browse some restricted sites. For example "Orkut" is not allowed.
About teaching, staff and classroom sessions, I'll post a new article soon. I know that these are the priority topics you wish to know about. Please check back soon. I'll put up the new information shortly.
Hi Ayish,
The ILP centre need not be same for all the students from same college. In my case, we were 4 students in all; from same college, same batch, same class. But 2 of us got Hyderabad, where as the other two got Trivandrum.
You can very well choose your room-mate. If you have your friend to accompany you, you can ask for sharing the room with him.
hello !!!!
i hav few questions.....it will b nice of u to answer them....
1)do we hav internet access in the hostel or hotel ?
2)will all d batches learn the same foreign language ?
3)do we hav an option in selecting d language ?
4)what will b the exact duration for training....i mean they hav mentioned 47 days.....r these the working days ? what abt saturdays ?
5)do we get the preferred location after training for the job...like the first preference ?
6)what r the computer languages usually taught in ILP at hyderabad ?
7)abt business casuals r we allowed to wear stuff like double collared T-shirts,printed T-shirts.......n sports shoes r allowed or not ?
i had few more questions !!!!
8)do we hav any sports activities taking place in TCS ?
9)r there any indoor facilities for playing stuff like carrom, T.T,gym,etc in the hostel or hotel or the centre ?
10)do we hav any cultural functions during ILP ?
ya i am very curious about ILP... wats MATC..can u explain me wats that... and about onsite projects i heard it depends purely on luck is it so..after how many years can we expect to get one? also wats the approx pay we will get in onsite projects?
also just tell us about other benefits we will be getting like discounts on tata products..
hey dude.....again thanks for everything....
and sorry for bothering u with all our questions
can u tell me, how much of clothing is really sufficient for the ILP. i mean, wat had u done, how many sets of formals, casuals etc....
wat abt the food and all there....
hey u mentioned that though ILP timings are from 9 the bus comes at 6.30 y so early?
plz reply back....
Well, I liked your way of posting your questions. I'd try to answer in the similar way :)
1. You don't have Internet access in hotel/hostel. You even dont have PCs there, unless you are carrying your own laptop.
2. There are 3 foreign languages available - German, French and Japanese. Different batches will have different languages.
3. You do not have option in selectin the language. Entire batch is assigned one language and you've to learn that.
4. The duration of training is 50 working days. You have alternate Saturdays off.
5. Most prob'ly you get your first preference. My choices were Mumbai, Pune, B'lore and I got Mumbai. So, don't worry. Even after allocation, you can request MATC for the transfer.
6. They teach you C, C++, Java. Addition to that other technical subjects like UNIX, DBMS, Software Engineeting etc.
7. About business casuals, please read the reply to the comment (comment posted by Anonumous) on this page.
@ Anonymous
8. We have lot of sports activities in TCS, but not during ILP.
9. Carrom, T.T., gym are also there in TCS, but again not during ILP.
10. Well, we had a Traditional day in ILP. It was fun, since we had mixed cultured people in ILP and it was really nice to understand each other's cultures. Also, we had Family Day during ILP. It was a grat fun. We had Dance Party, DJ, Food and lot of Masti.
@ G
MATC stands for Manpower Allocation Task Committee. It allocates people to the projects. After completing ILP, MATC will allocate you to your base branches. At base branch, your local MATC will allocate you to the project.
Onsite opportunities depend on the project. The current project which I've been working on, is a 100% offshore project, so 0% onsite opportunity :)
Onsite opportunity also depends on you performance and luck. If you are an outstanding performer and there's an onsite need, they may send you there in a month also, or it might happen that for next 5 years you'll have no onsite opportunity. It depends on many factors - project, your performance, a bit of luck, your rapport with you PL,PM and AM etc.
About discount on TATA products, I've heard that you get a 5% to 10% discount on all TATA products, I am very sure though.
@ Sujan
For your question on clothing, please read my reply to the comment by Abhinav under the post "Joining Letter reverie"
Food depends on the place of the training. My training was in Hyderabad and my experience of food was not that good. I will post a new article about the food. Please check back.
Although the timing is from 9 to 6, buses come at 6.30am. You'll be taken to the training centre. There you have time for breakfast. If you can manage to finish it fast, you have ample of time to hangout in the training centre campus. Sessions start sharp at 9am.
i heard that a software engg. book(author-Jalote)is very helpful during ilp.Is it true?
Hi Arghya,
They provide you this book (Jalote) during ILP. It is indeed helpful. Apart from that, they also provide some ILP course material for all the subjects.
hey friend..thanks a lot for all the help.....i have some questions.
1. i have heard from some people that u r not allowed to use an iron in the room coz it causes power dripping.how true is this?
2.does the ilp consist only of lectures or are we given some miniature projects too?
3.u mentioned earlier that they teach c, c++ and java. well, i do know c and c++ but am completely unfamiliar with java. so is that an ok problem or a BIG problem?
4. what is the frequency of the appraisals? do we have one every week or every month or only 1 at the end of the ilp?
5. apart from performance, are there any other things which go into the appraisal( for eg., dressing, manners etc). Sorry if this question sounds stupid.
thx a lot.. have a doubt about certs..i dont have semester mark sheets or provisional or course completion or watso ever relating to college... will get them in mid august only.. but have to join on 8th..will they give me time to give them or do i have make some arrangements...also how come u reply to us so soon.. have less work burden?
I am currently coming to the end of my ILP, and Mainframes is my stream. I wanted to know from which book, would the question paper be set for the stream exam. For the mid term most of it was from Jalote! Could you please help me out?
Hi Friend
Thanks for ur previous reply. I wanted to know does TCS provide ne sort of assistance for stay after one has been allocated to the base branch.
And I heard that some ppl even get places not mentioned in their preferences. So in such cases can we exchange wid other people. Is that possible? What was the scenario during ur time? How many % of ppl got their First Choice?
Will be really grateful if u elaborate it. thnks.
Hi Aalap,
1. What you have heard about the iron is very true. Hotel people wont allow you to use iron (because we're not paying them for the electricity ;-)
2. ILP mainly contains technical and non-technical sessions. Non-technical includes soft skills and a foreign language. You have lot of role plays during soft skills sessions and it's fun. At the end, you have to submit a project. They assign you any of the technologies, like C++/UNIX or Java for the project.
3. If you know C++ then Java is not problem, it's very similar.
4. Well, appraisals will happen when you join a project and start working. There are no appraisals during ILP. In the first year, there are quarterly appraisals - that means 4 in a year.
5. None of the things you have mentioned affect you appraisal. It depends on your attitude towards work, sincerity, your skills and most importantly; your rapport with your PL/PM.
Hi G,
Well, if you dont have these certificates, you can ask your college people to provide you with the course competion letter, that you should get instantly. For other certis they give you time. You need to get them couriered to your ILP location and submit them before completing the ILP.
Talking about quick reply, that's time management buddy :) Well, life is not that easy in TCS. You have lot of work, lot of responsibilities. But in that also, I keep some time for lunch, dinner and my blog. :)
Just for you satisfaction, I've replied late this time (Just kidding, of course)
@ Anonymous
Most of the time, the question paper is set from Jalote only. But don't worry. Test is of multiple choice type and wud be easy. Brush up your basic concepts and let the question paper come from any book, you would be able to answer. Wish u all the best.
@ Mariyam
TCS provides 5 days of accommodation in a hotel after you are posted to the base branch. After that, you need to look for other arrangement yourself.
Most of the time, you get your first preference only. My options were Mumbai, Pune, B'lore and I got Mumbai. So, dont worry, 99% of time you get your first or second option. Placement to a place completely out of the preferences is rare.
hello sir,
first of all really wanna thank u 4 dis great work u r doin,i mean its really amazin dat u r solvin so many queries of us,that too so regularly...really hats off to u...
well dis is shweta,m havin my joinin indec,5th dec at hyderabad.
right now m persuing .net n advance java,i hope it will help in improvin my performance,wat do u say?
actually so many peopl from tcs itself say that there is no need to learn all these technologies explicitly,they will teach us evrythin there in the training.is it so??
lukin forward towards ur reply...
havin so many other queries also..
hey gr8 job buddy, ur insights on ilp n tcs will b very helpfull to us, by d way
1) we hav been alloted hotel siddharth in abids area n some of our friends r in hotel supreme, can u plz lemme kno as to how far r these hotels ? can we ask for accomodation in supreme ?
2) how much work load is der apart from 9-6 sessions of ilp
Hi Shweta,
Thanks for your appreciation and I'm really glad so see that people are getting benefited by my blog.
About your query, it's really doesn't matter if you know these technical subjects or not (unless you are from comps background). Non-comps people are not expected to know these topics beforehand. If you already know .net and java, it will definitely prove helpful for you in future. In ILP, they teach you the basics and it will be easy for you to understand if you already have exposure to these technologies.
Hi Dev,
1) Hotel Siddharth is far from Hotel Supreme. Supreme is in Kondapur area. Abids is far from this place. It takes around 30-45 mins to reach abids from kondapur by bus. Abids is somewhere near Hussainsagar. You may ask for accommodation in Supreme but then it depends on the availability of the rooms.
2) Apart from 9-6 sessions, you have lots of assignments, project work to do. But, still you get ample of time to roam around and have fun.
yo...tnx fr al dis info....
my frnds @ trivandrum rite now...
he says uve got open bk tests??
so is it jst 1 exam which is open bk or evry xam??
Hi Aditya,
The mid term test that you have is an open book test. Every test is not an open book one. Even if it's an open book test, you need to read the material carefully otherwise it's really difficult to find everything from the bunch of books and that too within allotted time.
It would be really helpful if u can blog on the tests....most of us r still very confused abt it...can u elaborate on tat?
@Purple Blogger,
I'll definitely write about Tests. I'm in the process of writing an article. "Tests" topic is in the pipeline and I will post it as soon as I can.
hi, we have our ILP at hydrabad @ 15th oct so according to u.. when should we reach hyd as in 13th or 14th and how many days prior to the reported date do we get the accomodation..?
do we have to carry books like college to the center..
and how's the mobile service there?
Hi Stuti,
Accommodation will be provided 2 days prior to the joining date so you may reach there on 13th. The other reason why I'm suggesting being there on 13th is that you get sufficient time to settle down and have an entire day on 14th to explore the nearby area. Also, you get some time to prepare for your first day @ TCS. Since, bus comes at 7.30am; you have to be ready by that time. If u reach there on 14th night, it'll be very cumbersome for u. So, I suggest going there on 13th.
You need not carry books like u did in college. All the study material will be provided by TCS. You may carry some books for ur reference, but they are absolutely not necessary. The material provided is more that sufficient for the tests.
About mobile service, we had taken new Hutch SIM there. Overall, I felt that the service was good. Kondapur, where you'll be accommodated most prob'ly, is out of the city but not a rural area. So, the mobile network coverage is good, don't worry abt that.
hi, we have our ILP at hyd,15th oct.
1. im frm extc n we've just done 2 langs c,c++ that too in the first year. i would like to knw if its necessary to learn any other langs....cause in the joining letter they've said to study coa,database n unix.
2. bout the iron thing...hotel doesnt allow us....wat r v supposed to do?? shld v give our clothes out ??? any otehr suggestions....
well i wanted to know the salary for a fresher 2007 as trainee engineer and whether stipend is paid during training....
plz it would be better if the salary package is broken down to details....that is TA/DAor HRA etc
As per my knowledge, the salary for freshers has been revised this year. It wud be around 3.15lacs/annum. The news is not from official sources so please confirm once. For details about various components, please refer this link.
hi ,
thank you and I appreciate your initiative of offering help regarding the ilp experience. I am a fresher working at tcs. i ll be shortly transferred to tcs gachibouli campus.
Can you please tell me the places where I can find good accomodation.
like a hostel. Single rooms are a preference. Sorry if this request is little off topic, but I need some help .
i m unable to download tcs study material from its portal. please provide me its link. or if u have the material plz send it to me on aditigarg88@gmail.com i'll be highly obliged.
Hi Angel,
Where and what are you trying to download? If I have the required material, I'll surely send it to you.
Can You please tell me what wud be d cash in hand, after deducting d charges 4 d accomodation and travel etc... Even though it may differ from time to time, can u plese give us some rough idea....
I was offered 3.15 lac per annum by TCS.....
Hi Vishal,
2 month's HRA would be deducted from your salary. There would be few other deductions like provident fund, income tax and so on.
To give you a brief idea, my earning after 2 months was Rs.31000 approx. Out of that Rs.9000 approx. were deducted. That time my package was 2.4 p.a. Your package is even higher and you are ought to get more bucks for you to spend. So, enjoy! :-)
Thank You for your reply sir.....
Sir, wud they not b deducting for food and travel , as d food wud b provided in hotels and there wud b a bus to take us from hotel to the training centers....
And Sir u have said that there wud b 4 increments in a yr in TCS, depending upon the impression on the TL and PM.... So d one having bad or not-so-good impression won't get an increment at all or their increment wud b less..... I again appreciate ur so frequent response... Thank You very much Again....
Thank You for your reply sir.....
Sir, wud they not b deducting for food and travel , as d food wud b provided in hotels and there wud b a bus to take us from hotel to the training centers....
And Sir u have said that there wud b 4 increments in a yr in TCS, depending upon the impression on the TL and PM.... So d one having bad or not-so-good impression won't get an increment at all or their increment wud b less..... I again appreciate ur so frequent response... Thank You very much Again....
Hi Vishal,
Hotel will charge you for the food they provide during your stay. TCS does not deduct anything from your salary.
About travel, I frankly dont remember. I will check with my colleagues and get back to you on this.
Well, I never said that you get 4 increments, I said that you go through 4 appraisals (quarterly appraisal cycles) in the first year of joining. The increment depends on the confirmation rating at the end of year.
Hey could u plz tell me whether laptops r allowed during ilp in hotels ....???
i m in doubt bcoz infy donot allow laptops...
Hi Atul,
Depends on the hotel. The hotel in which I was staying in did not allow using any electrical appliances like iron. But I dont think that there would be any restriction on using laptops. Still as I said earlier...it depends on the hotel.
is it required to have a laptop during the ILP
Not at all. You get enough time to complete all assignments in the lab. You also get around half a dozen books to study when you return to hotel rooms. You may carry laptop for your personal purpose but for ILP it's not necessary at all.
sir is there a way one can get ILP in pune..?? and are d ILP cantres alloted in the same zone where we studied our UG..??
As far as I know, there are no ILP centres in Pune. ILP centres are alloted irrespective of your college and hometown. Most probably you will get a centre which is other than your home town. In my opinion, that's a good opportunity for you to explore a new city. Trust me, you will enjoy your ILP days.
which is the best location we can opt after ILP...in the sense,which location would be carrier wise best?
Hi friend,
It is like asking 'In which part of the country people live longest?'. There is no particular place which is carrier wise best. Be where your heart is. Be where you want to be. And that is the best place for you. Dont concern much about the place, since in IT companies you get to go to places including other contries for overseas assignments. So relax and be happy wherever you are.
after ILP ...i am confused about opting for my preference...whether NOIDA or CHENNAI...which is the best site to work with respect to good opportunity and exposure?
Please refer to my previous post. There is not a particular place which you can claim as the best place for opportunities/exposure. Opportunities exist everywhere and you get exposure to more and more things as you move through your carrier path.
Will TCS post us to the place according to our preference?
You have option of giving 3 preferred locations based on your priority. As per my experience, most of the people get their first preferred location. I had given Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad. I was lucky and I got Mumbai. However, it is not guaranteed that you will get the location you desire. It depends on the number of people opting for that location and availability.
During ILP will we be given materials in a hard copy or soft copy,do we need to study from LAPTOPS ,i dont have a laptop thats why i am asking,is it nesseccary to purchase a laptop?
It is not necessary to have a laptop. You get books (printed material) to study. You need not purchase a new laptop just for ILP.
Can we get transferred to some other location as per our wish after working at a place for sometime
You can get in touch with your local HR for the transfer. Although it is not very easy to get transfer and you have to "fight" for it, but I have seen cases where people have got transfered to their desired locations.
when does salary gets credited during ILP....my joining is on 18th september....
2 months' salary will be credited at the end of 2 months.
sir, i got selected in TCS .what if we miss the bus on the morning during ILP. Can u describe some nontechnical activities conducted during ILP.
What is the formal dress for girls.
after training do we get involved in PROJECTS immediately?What are the chances of getting foreign projects,does that depends on our performance?What criteria do TCS except from their employees?
After training, you will be sent to your base branch where you'll have to contact RMG group who take care of allocating people to various project depending on the requirements.
About overseas projects, I would just say one thing that "You have to be at the right place at the right time" :-)
Is it necessary to know the details of 8086 and 8085 processor during the training period or during the project.
Not at all Pinky.
Hi Vineetha,
You can wear salwar-kameez, saree, formal shirt, formal pant/skirt. Avoid wearing jeans/t-shirt, 6 pockets, three fourth or any funky dress during ILP.
Hi Vineetha, replying to your question posted on September 06, 2010.
If you miss the bus, you need to get the local transport to reach your training location.
There are many non-technical activities (soft-skill sessions, foreign language sessions, small skit etc). I think it is the best part of ILP. You will enjoy it.
i heard that tcs has changed ilp duration for 2010 batch, is it true?
so what is the duration?
what are the streams available in Stream Training @ ILP Hyderabad. And one more doubt, Is it possible to choose our own stream of Choice???
Please let me know, thanks in advance
this blog is really good.it helped me alot in clearing my doubts..
i have got nankramguda,hyderabad as my ILP centre.Can u tell me what accomodation will i get??and how much time it take to reach there from airport..
Hi Mini,
As per my knowledge, it's around 25Km from the Airport. An auto will cost you around Rs.100. Fix the fare first before you get into an auto. Otherwise fare as per the meter is another way but I suggest fixing the fare with the auto driver first to avoid any hassels afterwards.
My accommodation was around 20 Km from the Airport and I paid Rs.80 to reach there by an auto.
Hii sir..
First of all, hats off 2 u for ur patience sir.Bcoz, i observed dat u answered 3 times for the same qn to different people..i.e. about the location preference...the way u r answering 2 each person is really excellent..thank you for providing good information..
i got my training centre at nanakramguda. can u tell me about the accomodation for us? where we can xpect our accomodation for girls?
Hi Sindhu,
Please refer to my reply to Mini above. As per the accommodation is concerned, I have completely no idea about the hotel. But, be assured that the accommodation will be top-class. Don't worry about that. Also, you will have TCS buses to pick you up in the morning and drop you there in the evening. Get in touch with the HR people about the hotel details. I repeat, the accommodation will be very good, not to worry about that.
thanq sir..
hi... i am from mechanical and got into tcs throuh my college placement drive... do u think i can be a good fit at tcs, i do know that a lot of mechanical engineers make it to great heights in it but to be frank i am a bit too inclined towards my liking for mechanical but dont have a good mech job at hand.. do u think tcs is the best option for me at this point in time... Kindly elaborate..
Frankly speaking, IT jobs is not the best fit for you if you have done mech eng. Try to find a good mech job and I am sure you will get one if you try really hard. If you join any IT firm after doing mech, you will surely regret in future if you are really inclined towards mech because in IT firm you will not make full use of your knowledge what you have learnt so far.
To be frank, if you are in urgent need of a job due to financial reasons, join the IT company but thinking in long term, you ought to get a good mech job where you really belog to.
I hope that's a satisfactory answer.
I agree with ILP Days..., but still even if you come to TCS, its not end of the world for you. There are many mechanical projects which you can opt for, but mind it, it is gonna be a tuff job to ask and get some mechanical project. You may have to remain unallocated for some time and wait for an opening in mechanical team, but the wait can be worth of it....
I am a CSE guy who is working in a mechanical project...... people with me had to learn AutoCAD and NX.......
ILP Days and VISHAL AGARWAL thank you very much for your valuable feedback... Both the feedbacks were really deciding.
1.) Please could you elaborate about the mechanical team you stated in your reply.
2.) And is it really possible to expect getting into one in a short span after joining..??
3.) The section offered by tcs to me is 'IT'.. How can be the shift to a mechanical based project??
4.) And please could you tell me are there any managerial opportunities at TCS for BE graduates.. Like say with a year or two of work exp or so..??
5.) Or what other than programming can you expect to have in store for you at TCS??
I could like to have a comment of ILP days on this well...
Both of u were of great help... THANK YOU VERY MUCH... Really appreciate your gesture..
1.) Please could you elaborate about the mechanical team you stated in your reply.
Ans: There are many mechanical projects in TCS. Clients can be companies like Boeing, Honeywell or so.
2.) And is it really possible to expect getting into one in a short span after joining..??
Ans: It completely depend on your negotiation power and luck.
To get a project of their choice, a fresher may need to wait for a little more and remain unallocated. U will have to fight for it, thats for sure.
3.) The section offered by tcs to me is 'IT'.. How can be the shift to a mechanical based project??
Ans: As seem from your answer, I think you have already joined a project and now I think its a bit hard to get release, otherwise you need to approach your RMG saying M more interested in Mechanical, but it is for sure bro that we can not be sure if u'll get the opportunity, coz it totally depends on requirement and MOOD of RMG :P
4.) And please could you tell me are there any managerial opportunities at TCS for BE graduates.. Like say with a year or two of work exp or so..??
Ans: I don't think so.
5.) Or what other than programming can you expect to have in store for you at TCS??
Ans: There are many tools being used in TCS or any other service based company, in fact much of the work is on tools only, you'll get to know about this as you enter some project.
Sir , Can you kindly let me know .. when we will know., i mean after how many days about our posting place after joining ILP ??
You will come to know about your posting place only at the end of your ILP.
hey admin.. i got selected in tcs in sept.2012 and now i have received both offer letter and joining letter ..i wanna asked to u regarding "background check"!! i have a concern about 12th .i had secured 62% marks after the scruitney but before scruitney it was 59%.i have both marksheets.but in database of inter counsil it is 59%.will i be disqualify after the background check or Tcs may consider the after scruitney mark which is not in record of board database??!!
Hi Reckon,
If you have certificates with you then you already have a valid proof. In case you still have any doubts in your mind, please contact your HR and discuss this. Clear communication will avoid unnecessary difficulties.
hey,i just want to know whether there are only one BHK rooms or there also 2 and 3 BHKS..
yup i have a certificate proofs regarding my 12th marks.but i dont have any idea that how they performs "background-check " and when they perform it? plz specify. The main problem is that during ILP period if i became disqualify by authority then it will be more embarrassing...plz help :(
Hi ,
This is Hema..I got so many info by reading ur replies..
I got my joining letter dated 22 june 2012 in Hyderabad ..i booked a ticket in train from chennai with my friend so it ll be reached by morn 8.00 AM.
NO Idea how to reach tcs ilp center from station..Give me some suggestion..
then Where we have to get down hyderabad decan or secunderabad railway station??Which is nearer ?
All ll surely get acccomodation??
Hi Reckon,
I can understand your concern. But they won't disqualify a person without a real solid reason. Still I recommend you to have a chat with concerned HR beforehand.
Hi Anonymous,
The one where I was accommodated during my ILP was a big 3BH(No K :-)). Of course, 2 people per bedroom and a common hall for all to enjoy TV. Now that also depends on the hotel you get. But TCS provides fairly nice accommodation during ILP.
Hi Hema,
Let me answer your queries one by one.
First of all, you don't have to reach ILP centre directly as soon as you step into Hyderbad. You'll have to reach your hotel. Check where it is located and which station is nearer. You can get an auto to reach your hotel. You can also pre-fix the auto fare by talking to auto driver. I had fixed Rs.80 to reach from Hyderbad Airport to my hotel which was in Kondapur, Hitech City.
And of course, all get accommodation for sure... :-)
Hi ILP days..
thanx for advice..now i would like to ask that there're about 100days to go for joining ILP and in these holidays what subjects i should learn/practice @ home so that it will beneficial during ILP.I dont want to waste these times & u have a lot of exp. in TCS .so plz suggest ...
Hi Reckon,
You can utilize these days by studying topics/concepts like DBMS, Programming techniques (Java, C++), SDLC, Operating Systems (UNIX) etc. Anyways, you are going to learn these topics in your ILP, but if you already know these concepts then it will be easier for you to understand them during lectures in ILP. Also, you will be having lots of soft-skills and foreign language sessions and trust me, they are fun.
This is Hema..
Now arranging the documents required..
Have a doubt in BGC and NSR .
For these two, what have to do before joining ??
whether BGC and NSR can be done after joinng??
Hi Hema,
BGC can be done after joining. I am not aware about NSR. Can you please elaborate?
Thank u for ur reply..
In the mail they mentioned like,
National Skills Registry(NSR)
"We request you to complete the registration and bio-metric process of NSR before joining ILP (please visit site www.nationalskillsregistry.com)"
Hi Hema,
There is no need to rush for getting NSR done. A NSR team would visit in your ILP center and you can get yourself registered there itself. But if you have some NSR center nearby to your place, then you can get it done now also.
in ilp can i choose my on domain on which i would like to work, or would i have to adhere by the domain assigned to me..
Hi Vishal, thanks for your comments.
Hi Hema, registration and bio-metric process of NSR is something which, I guess, is newly introduced in TCS ILP. We didn't have this registration during our ILP. However, Vishal's comment should answer your query.
nsr center is actually far away from my home town thats y asked..
thanks a lot for ur comments..
Hi Nayan,
During ILP, your batch will be assigned a domain on which you'll have to do a project. You cannot decide which domain you will get during your ILP. However, it is completely irrelevant which domain you work on during your ILP and what you work on when you will be allocated to project after completing ILP.
I will give you my example only. We had to work on a project based on Java. But now I work on SAP :-)
i have to join tcs trivendrum on 23rd but i will reach there on 21st ...will they provide accomodation from that time .of i have to wait for others to come...
what is the basis of hostel allotmant..is it provided on first come first serve basis
Hi Suraj Kumar,
Not a problem. You can reach there 2 days in advance. But confirm it once by calling on the given contact numbers in your joining letter. My ILP was from 10th August and I reached there on 8th.
And room allocation is flexible. No hard and fast rule. You an ask for the desired room, if available. If you want to share a room with someone you know, that can also be arranged. Of course it differs from hotel to hotel.
I m anu......
sir, i want to know that the birth cerificate should be in english. because i hav it in hindi.it will be allowed at the time of joining at ilp or not.if not then what i do for it.
plz reply soon.because my joining is 4th june
Hi Anu,
You can get an Affidavit and attach it along with your birth certificate. However, this is a temporary solution. Get your birth certificate translated into English. It will also help you if you have to process Visa for traveling abroad. They demand the birth certificate, marriage certificate etc. to be in English.
hi, nice blog
this is chandni , i got my ILP center as hinjewadi, Pune and my base location is also Pune , so i just want to know whether accomodation will be provided to us by TCS or not ...
hi, nice blog
this is chandni , i got my ILP center as hinjewadi, Pune and my base location is also Pune , so i just want to know whether accomodation will be provided to us by TCS or not ...
Hi Chandni,
One of my friends had ILP center in Mumbai and base branch was also same. TCS had not provided accommodation. So, I guess, in your case also they will not provide accommodation. However, in case you need one, you can get in touch with your HR.
this is deepa, i like to know the duration of ilp course..i heard that it got changed in 2010..pls let me know if so.
Hi Deepa,
I joined in Aug 2006 and that time ILP duration was 55 working days. I have no idea about any recent changes in ILP duration. I will find out. Anyways, whatever the ILP duration is, it's fun for sure.
Hi sir,
This is Rahul. I have my ilp location as hyderabad and my preferred location too was hyderabad. But the annexure says that accommodation wont be provided if the base location is same as the ilp location. so are the base location and preferred location same thing.. plzz help
Hi... 1st of all i wud like to appreciate ur helpfulness since 2007 till 2012 and continueing...
I have some questions regarding ILP:
1) The joining letter says that i shud reach TCS office at nanakramguda by 8:30am on 25th Sept. Is it the place where the Ilp will be conducted? or it is for documnts submissn purpose and whether they wud specify Ilp location later?
2)My train will stop at secunderabad on 23rd. And TCS says they will provide accomodation 1day prior to Ilp. So can u suggest where(Nampally or Secundrabd) to arrange for a temporary stay b4 they provide the room?
3) Are parents/guardians who accompany the candidates to the Ilp location for a week or so also allowed a week's stay in the hotel/hostel provided by TCS? If not, whether TCS provides any short accomodation for guardians for a week or so OR candidate party have to arrange for it themselves in a hotel nearby?
4) Whether Kurtis with cotton/elastic-leggings are allowed as womens formal wear in all working days during Ilp?Also what kind of footwear are allowed for girls?
5) U said that at nearly the end of Ilp they wud assign a minor project as assignment. My question is shud the project be completed by a single candidate? or there is something like groups and a group of trainees(say 2-3ppl) shud complete it jointly?
Thanking for ur reply in advance.
I received same set of questions with a different name "Tushar Khanna". So, I am wondering if you are actually "Tania Basu" or "Tushar Khanna". But based on your 4th question, I am assuming that you are "Tania Basu"; so published this post and rejected the other one.
Now let me come back to your questions,
1. I don't remember the name but it seems to be the location where your initial induction would happen. It's a big auditorium where information about TCS and processes will be given to you followed by lunch.
2. My ILP was starting from 10th August and I was there on 8th August and accommodation was provided. So, it's better to get in touch with your HR regarding this. Also get the phone number of hotel where accommodation will be provided and keep it handy, in case required.
3. TCS does not arrange accommodation for parents. You will have to arrange travel and accommodation for them by yourself.
4. Please read comment on my post "Classroom sessions @ ILP". Comment was published on July 26, 2012. Also, you will have soft skills sessions during ILP where all information about dressing will be given to you, so don't worry.
5. Project will be in a group of 4-5 people and you can form your own group; no restrictions there.
Hi Rahul Nagulagama,
I assume you are talking about temporary accommodation provided after completing your ILP, because only then you will come to know your base branch location. Yes, if your ILP location is same as your base branch location, then accommodation is not provided. However, if you are not based out of Hyderabad and need 3 days accommodation before you can find proper accommodation for yourself then you need to talk to your base branch HR and request for accommodation.
Hi Chandni,
Please see my reply to Rahul Nagulagama. Accommodation is not provided if ILP location and base branch location are same.
Thanx for ur reply. U r rite, I m Tania only. I dint realize earlier dat d posts r to b reviewed by u b4 it gets posted, so i tried wid my frnd Tushar's id, thus d cnfusn.
I understnd dat Tcs dusnt arrange parents' accomdatn but wont dey allow parents in d candidate's room fr 4-5days?
And m v much relieved to knw dat project of Ilp wl b in a grp.
And what abt the no. of grp members after finishing of Ilp?
How mny types of projects r there after finishing Ilp?
Are every one allocated to a project after finishing Ilp?
What if one does not get a project?
And if the project allocated to doesnt match wid my location choices?
Thank u.
For accommodating parents in your room, you will have to check with the hotel guys. They might charge you extra (if they allow parents to stay in your room). But why do want your parents to accompany you? Be your own. You are grown up now. Of course, that's my personal opinion. Take it or leave it, it's up to you.
I did not understand your second question. Can you please reframe? (Question: And what abt the no. of grp members after finishing of Ilp?)
There are several projects on different technologies in TCS. You have to contact RMG group at your base location to allocate you to a project.
Everybody gets project. That's what TCS has hired you for. It might happen that you may not get project immediately and have to wait, but eventually you will get project for sure. Till that time, you will be "on bench" and have to report to RMG group regularly and follow up with them to get you a project.
Most of the time, project will be allocated which is based out of your base branch only. If you are not fine with the project location, you can always ask for tranfer. But you should have a valid and convincing reason for transfer.
Sorry i missed out few words in the qstn "what abt the no. of grp members after finishing of Ilp?"....what i meant is "what abt the no. of grp members in the projct i wl b allocated to after finishing of Ilp?"
and i understnd dat i shud have travelled on my own but u c as is the case with me and almost all my classmates posted away frm base location, evry1s parents are worried coz dis is the first time we r goin to stay away from our home,parents want to get a bit familiar wid d place so dat dey can come over there later on too.Some of my frnds r taking more dan 1 guardians(evn 3!!!) wid dem,well dats too much.:)
For me it is only 1 guardian.
Hi Tania,
Well, that's your personal decision, I don't have to say anything about getting your parents with you. You are better judge of your own.
Talking about projects, TCS has hundreds of projects and each one has different number of group members varying from 5 to few hundred. So, you never know how big project you get into. However, each project has different teams and each team contains 2 to 10 group members. That number may also vary, I've just given an approx. figure for your understanding.
I had got selected in TCS on Sept 2011, and got my offer letter after 2days. Actually the thing thts worring me is tht, in 12th i hav got only 50% due to which i took admission in diploma(IT) and got 73%,nd then i completed my BE(IT), so now the question is weder they will consider my diploma marks or 12 marks. Considering my 12th marks will create a problem Coz in 12 they want 60%. And i hav herd tht i will get my joining letter only after dec 2012. So i just wanted ur guidance tht weder i shld talk to the HR now or after getting my joining letter. Because i dnt want 2 get rejected during the ILP, tht too after waiting for 6 long months.....
Plz do rply :)
Earlier, the better. Instead of I commenting anything on your questions here, it would make more sense to get in touch with your HR. However, I feel that since you have received offer letter so they have obviously considered your Diploma marks. Nevertheless, if you have any doubts in your mind, it's always better to talk to the right person and get them clarified rather than just sitting and worrying.
@ILP Days thanks :)
@ILP days
thanks :)
hello, i have a question...i got my ilp location as pune and my post ilp location also as pune only..however, I want to change my post ilp location to bangalore on medical grounds...i have all the my medical certificates...is dere any way out dat i cn change?? i really cant stay at pune coz m undergoing my treatment in bnglr...if i dnt get bnglr... my parents are skeptical abt sending me to pune...can u please help..!!!
You can ask your HR for transfer. If you have a genuine reason then they will consider your request.
i just have a BIG question that has been bothering me....does TCS consider medical reasons for transfer??? coz m having some medical issues and need transfer?? and m yet to join my ILP ...which is scheduled this month..the problem is till now everyone is turning a deaf year to my problem ..even yest when i cald my ilp coordinator..came to know that she din't even read my mail..which i sent a week back...at last she told that it can only be done afteri join ILp...can u please show me a way out how to get it transferred to my preferred loc ....??? i dnt even know a single person where my ILP is?? is it difficult to get it transferred??...thanx in advance
You can get transfer on medical grounds. But only after completing ILP you will know what's your base branch. You will be given choices to select your base branch after completing ILP. If your preferred location is in that list of options then you don't have to even ask for transfer. In case you get any other location as your base branch, you can talk to your HR for transfer. If you have genuine reason then they surely consider your request for transfer. I hope it answers your question.
can i get time during ilp period for other compitative exams.. i heard the ilp timing from 7am-2 pm and another shift from 2pm-9pm from this year. Is it true??
I don't remember exact timings, but I guess it was 10 to 6. You get a lot of time initially, but once assignments start, I doubt you'll get much time for other activities.
Hello sir,
in d medical certificate, they have mentioned "whether u can distinguish between red and green colour"....but though i can distinguish, i find it sometimes difficult to distinguish with certain shades....what should i write there?
Are you completely color-blind? If not then you can mention "Yes" for the question you have mentioned.
No sir, i am not compelete colorblind...its just that in rare cases i find some difficulty in distinguishing.....and i hope mentioning a YES over there will not create any problem afterwards...
-and what about if somebody writes a NO there...would it lead to any rejection from d company?
Do you think they will reject you if you are technically sound but partial colorblind? Are you getting recruited in the Army? :-)
You have a point sir.....but i hv read at some places that sometimes tcs has rejected such cases...so that means i should be sure now that there will be no problem in my joining....
As far as I remember, you have medical test prior to joining TCS. Medical test also covers "Vision" test and if you have cleared the medical test then I find no reason for you to worry.
TCS does not conduct the medical test now...it just asks us to submit a medical certificate from a mbbs doctor....
Dear Sir, it is really a great job that is being done by u ... Keep up the good work.
Sir, I had been selected with a 150 others from my college, about 135-140 people have received their formal joining letters and it has been updated on their portals too. But I along with a handful of others have not received our joining letters.
What can u make out of it and till when I and my frnds expect a joining letter.
It generally takes time. I hope you have read my post "The day I received my Joining Letter..."
ci hv got my ILP at trivandrum ,can i ask for change in ILP centre.i wud like to join ilp at hyderabaad.
is there any procedure for the same
As far as I know, you cannot change your ILP location.
my ilp will starts from 11th dec.
i would like to knw there is any need to bring induction gas or i can easily find my diner????
Hi Jessica Gajjar,
Hotel guys will not allow you to cook in your hotel room. We had provision for dinner at hotel. You may either opt for food there or find another restaurant nearby which suits your taste. Lunch will anyways be available at your ILP location.
Thank you so much for your replies.They cleared most of my doubts regarding ILP..:)
dear sir....
am deepika.am frm EEE department.so am not good in programming.my joining date is on feb 4th.am i struggle alot during ILP??? am realy scared abt my new life in tcs!! plz rply me...
Hi Deepika,
Looks like you haven't read all of my blog posts and comments. Please read those first. No need to worry, you will not struggle in ILP. After all it's Initial Learning Programme. If you are not good at something, it's your chance to learn and master that. You are of course not expected to be master at the beginning of your career. So, relax. ILP will be learning and fun equally.
thank u for your reply sir..i hope i can improve my skills during ilp.
dis s sandesh..firstly lemme tel ya, yu r dng an awesome job!!
ma question ta ya s i being frm mechanical backgrnd do i stand ne chance to get into EIS stream during ilp whic s purely core for me...and if not do i ve to complete ne software courses b4 joinin o ilp trainin s oly enough?? i mean ta understand things as i'm a non-comps student!!
dis s sandesh again!!
i forgot ta say i ve ma joinin on 18th of march 2013 at trivandrm!!
and could yu pl clear ma doubts regardin post trainin location too..ma preferrd places bein banglore.pune..mumbai..chances of gettin our first preferrd location????
Hi Sandesh,
Regarding your first question, I would say that you NEED NOT do any courses before joining ILP. If your mind is filled with half knowledge, it will be difficult for you to accept and digest new things. If you go totally blank, you can readily accept and understand concepts newly being taught to you. One of my seniors used to say - if you have a glass full of water and you add more water, it will spill over. It's always good to have an empty glass in such cases. So, be an “empty glass” and go for your ILP. Hope you got my point.
About your second question, you have to choose from the options which are available at that point of time. Also, you have a choice to select 3 locations as per your preference and as far as I know, most of the times you get your first preferred location. If not, you can always try for transfer with valid reasons.
sir..i really appreciate ur intrest in this..really worthy reading this blog..i got selected in TCS on 6th dec,2012..at present i'm doing 4-2 sem..i am from a c grade college..news is spreading that tcs sends call letters in the year 2012 and a new speculation is that tcs got handfull of projects and joining letters this year may at the earliest time comparesd to previous years..so please tel me the expected month roughly..this may clear doubts in minds of 1000's of students placed this year
I suggest you read my blog post "The day I received my Joining Letter..." first. I received my joining letter after about a year I received offer letter. So be patient. You will receive it sooner or later.
Hello Sir very good morning..
I am having some doubts abt ILP.
my ILP location is also HYDERABAD.
1>Can you justify " In case your ILP location is same as your base location". what this sentence actually means???
2> will they provide blankets and all the sleeping thing with accomodation?
waiting for your reply
Have an awesome day.
Hi Javed,
It means that if you are from Hyderabad only and your ILP is also in Hyderabad then you don't need accommodation, right? If you are coming from some other location, in that case only you will need it. As one of my friends had ILP in Mumbai and he is Mumbai resident. So, he did not get accommodation from TCS.
About your second question, yes, everything will be provided.
This is your ILP mate Sanoajul Haque, I was just googling to get my ILP accommodation address for Background check from client and got your blog...it is really nice to see this. From 07 to 13 so many posts and still going on great yaar....reading few posts getting nostalgic :)
Hi Admin,
It took me around 1hr to go through the entire blog.I don't have any questions.Just want to say,you are doing a great job.Every bit of your patience worth praising.Thanks for your service Sir.
sir,your way of answering to the questions was very nice.food and transportation charges should be beared by us?but you are saying that tcs bus will be there for transportation?please reply
Hi Sam,
Yes, you have pay for the food. By transportation charges, I mean that you have to pay for the expenses for the travel from your current place to ILP location (from Mumbai to Hyderabad in my case). TCS will provide transportation from your hotel to ILP centre during your ILP. You don't have to pay for that.
Hey Sanoajul Haque,
How are you buddy? Replying to your post around after a year. I think I missed out your comment somewhere in moderation. Good to have you on my blog.
sir,iam an off campus candidate who got the TCS offer letter on march 26 2014 and i started my ASPIRE online trainng by 21 may 2014 .the problem is that i could not score much n the modules exam as iam from electronics department and do not have much basics about the material given there. will my joining date be affected by the ASPIRE score ?
Hi Bhargavi,
It looks like this is some new initiative as it was not there when I joined TCS ILP. Anyways, I don't see any reason why your joining date should be affected by this score. After all, ILP is to groom yourself as a professional for your career with TCS.
Really very thankful to you for this great job and helping us,thank you so much.
I have que ,
I have been allocated for the streams like unix,c++,oracle in tech lounge(Online learning site). My question is will I get the project on these streams only or other streams like java/.net etc; after ILP get completed and I get posting?
Can you please tell that during the ILP approx how much stipend/salary I will get?
Ty in anticipation.
it took a long time to complete reading this blog,it's very nice sir and thanks for these.
i have to join on feb 2nd,chennai.
i am preparing the documents required.
I have a question about bgc n birth certificate,
1.after downloading BGC form from tcs portal i have filled it and prepared educational,id and address proof from the documents i have.is there anything i have to do like getting any letter from anyone for assurance/is ration card is enough for address proof?please explain the details i have to do about BGC.
2.i have my birth cert form as in both english n tamil.My certificate is like english/tamil
example:birth certicate/pirapu sandridhaz(tamil).but the authority filled the certicate only in tamil and the seal is also in tamil.whether i have to change completely as only in english?
Hi Dhivya Bharathi,
Thanks for taking your time to read through the blog and thanks a lot for your words of appreciation.
As far as address proof is concerned, you should be having your passport. That would suffice. If you do not have passport then I recommend you apply for the same. It should have been mentioned in your joining letter that you should have valid passport before joining TCS. Do not panic you don't have it, but I would suggest you apply for it at the earliest possible.
As far as I know, ration card is not considered to be the proof for address. In fact the same is written in the ration card itself, but in India we often use ration card as proof at various places. I would suggest you better have one more address proof with you like aadhar card, voter's id card, driving license etc.
Regarding your question related to birth certificate, you must have the details on the birth certificate in English. If it not the case, you need to get an affidavit.
after ILP training when got posted at base location how many days vacation i am eligible is it possible to take 30 days vacation after 3 months of ILP training.
after ILP training if i do not like to continue what is the procedure for termination
You are not eligible to have 30 days vacation after ILP. At the max, you have free time between last day of your ILP and your joining day.
I am surprised to see that you are asking about separation even before joining the company. If you don't work in a company, how would you know if it's good place for you to continue or not. Also, you'll have to sign a bond/agreement that you'll serve the organization for at least 2 years.
hello sir..
i was selected for tcs...to join hyderabad at next month...please do clear my doubts regarding accomodation...i heard that we will not be allowed to wash our clothes...is it so and iron it too...
secondly...you are doing a great job maintaining a blog and constantly following it from 2002 to 2015 is a great thing....
Sir a very big thanks to you as you are doing an extremely noble task of clearing the doubts of new trainees like us. Sir, after receiving my offer letter i have mentioned 1. Hyd 2. Bangalore 3. Bhubaneswar as my preferred locations and the same has been locked. However now i want to add Chennai at the top. Can i do so during my ilp ?? Do they ask us for submitting our options again ?
Hi Saranya badri narayanan,
Well, based on my experience in Hyderabad, washing clothes was not a problem however hotel people didn't allow us to iron the clothes due to high electricity consumption and risk of fire due to negligence; as the hotel guys told us.
Hi Diptimaya Sarangi,
You are talking about offer letter, so it seems that you have not even started with your ILP. If so, you still have a chance to specify your preferred location as your base location. At the end of ILP, they will ask you 3 choices based on your preferences. Most of the time, you get the location which you've mentioned as your first preference.
I am Amit from kanpur and my ilp joining is at hyederabad at 17 august 2015.
I want to know,where would i have stayed and when will hostel approve to me for stay?
Hi Amit Verma,
Hotel/hostel details should be there in your joining letter. If not, please connect with the contact person mentioned in the joining letter immediately. If contact details are also not given then connect with HR and get those details.
Hi Nasreen Basu,
Thank you very much for your comments. I had started this blog just to preserve my memories of TCS ILP and share some information with new joiners as I was not able to find detailed information on ILP when I joined in 2006. Little did I know at that time that I would be receiving so much response, comments and questions even after 8 years of starting this blog. I am really happy that I could help you guys in some way.
Hey I want to know can I get accommodation 2 days prior to ILP?
Actually, suddenly they change the rule to give accommodation 1 day prior to ILP. But I already booked my flight ticket.
Plz reply soon
Hi Lovely Giri,
Talk to your ILP co-ordinator immediately. I don't think there would be any problem. In worst case scenario, you'll have to postpone your journey by a day.
Hi Lovely Giri,
Talk to your ILP co-ordinator immediately. I don't think there would be any problem. In worst case scenario, you'll have to postpone your journey by a day.
hey my name is rachana
my joining date is on aug 1st and my ilp is in hyd,and its given its same as your base location therefore no accomidation.
i have read other blogs wer they have said even they dint get accommodation but they got other places as their base branch.i had given Bangalore as my first preference.but you had accomodation when u got your ilp in hyd.so my doubt is,have they already decided that my base branch is hyd and i should continue there even after ilp,or they will tell our base branch in the process of ilp.
Hi Rachana,
Are you currently located in Hyderabad? If so then company will not give you accommodation. If you are currently outside Hyderabad and you have to travel to Hyderabad for your ILP then talk to your ILP co-ordinator immediately. Contacts details of your ILP co-ordinator would be given on your joining letter.
Hi Gowdaman Jothinathan,
Good to see that you are so confident about your selection. ILP is meant to be your window for transition from college world into the corporate world. In ILP they will guide you and teach you various subjects from technical topics to soft skills to foreign languages. If you are a computer science student then don't worry at all. If not, you may get familiar with basic programming conceps using C and Java. That should be sufficient. Wish you all the best for your selection in TCS and do share your ILP experience once you complete it.
Hey dude how r you? - this is Sanoajul Haque :)
Hi Sanoajul Haque, how are you buddy? Good to see that you found my blog. It's been 11 years after our ILP :-)
Hii..my name is Mursaleen can you show me the accomodation facility will be provided by TCS at pune or not?
If yes than what things included in the accomodation facility at pune?
Hi Mursaleen,
So I understand you are going to attend your ILP in Pune. I suggest you get in touch with your ILP coordinators regarding accommodation. They would definitely have made some arrangement. The contact details would be there in your joining letter.
What exactly do they charge for accommodation and what is the actual pay for trainee of grade y
2 month's HRA will be deducted from your salary for that.
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