Hi Friends,
Posting the article written by my friend. Here it goes,
[John writes...]
well my joining letter stuff was a bit skewed.Everyone i knew had recieved the joining letter except me. when i called the concerned authority, they told your medical checkup record id missing, so you have to go to kolkata and attend the checkup again. As i had already donated much of my precious blood in bangalore, i was in no mood to do that again, and that too with the cost of enduring two overnight journeys to kolkata, never mention the accomodation hassles i would have undergone. So i told this HR person whom i called, that !@#$@#$@ medical report is misplaced by you, and its your duty to find where it is. It will be very difficult for me to go to Kolkata at this peak hour.
They found it, on 22nd of August, and mailed the joining letter the same day. And informed me to join ILP Bhubaneshwar on 28th of August.I recieved the mail just a day before i was about to leave. Else i had thought of accosting the concerned officials empty handed, but TCS didn't let that FUN materialize.. Well, whateva, nevermind..
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Joining Letter reverie...
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ILP Days...
2:58:00 PM
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really crazy for ya to have been thru all tht....well i'm lookin forward to the ILP.....i dun have much to ask but one thing tht has been naggin me is whether we get accomodation inside the tech city or outside.i'm aware tht we'r made to stay wid recruits we dun know but wats da scene like???i mean how many of us in one room and where do we stay??flat, hotel...wat???
Hi Abhinav,
Most prob'ly u'll get accommodation in Hitech City - in Kondapur, Madhapur or somewhere nearby. Your training centre (CMC) is at 20 mins distance by bus from these places.
If u have your friend with you, you can ask for sharing the room with him, not a problem. Otherwise they assign you the rooms randomly as per the rooms availability. In a day or two, you'll be familiar with you roommate, so that's not a problem.
2 people share one room. In our case, the accommodation was in a nice hotel (Hotel Supreme Landmark). The rooms were very neat and clean. They clean the rooms everyday, and bedsheets are changed once in a week.
There will be a cupboard, a table, two beds, attached toilet-bathroom. Also, they give u the keys for the room and cupboard. Try to carry an extra key-lock pair and a chain in case they dont provide key for cupboard, which was the case with us.
Overall the experience is good. Don't worry about the accommodation.
thanx for all the info, buddy....how many formal shirts and trousers did ya carry along wid ya....i have so far got 3 pairs of trousers and arnd 6 shirts....do they allow stripes and check shirts????i'm aware tht only black shoes are allowed....we'r allowed informals on fri and sat????
Hi Abhinav,
Well you are carrying sufficient clothes. You may carry one more trousar if you want. You only need to wear formals on 4 days. Black or brown polished shoes are allowed. Striped and Checked shirts are also allowed.
And for you kind information friend, you are not allowed to weat informals. On Fridays and Saturdays, business casuals are allowed, not informals. You need not wear a tie on these 2 days. Jeans with big bulky pockets, three fourth, 6 pockets, round neck t-shirts are not allowed. What you can count under business casual are colared T-shart (tucked in), simple jeans, khaki etc. You will be informed during induction about this.
They have some point system. They may not take action on inappropriate dressing but they deduct the points. The batch having the maximum points at the end get the best batch award. Well, just for your information, our batch H09 was the best batch :)
thnx for the info buddy.....really helpful.....lets see wat all jeans can i draw outta my clouset which fit da bill....most of my jeans r torn from below....huh...lets see
i felt really excited while reading ur experiences.
i have some queries i wanna to know when could i expect my jng my bgc was done on 2nd of this month.do tcs provide the travelling fare.
Hi Himanshu,
You liked my posts, thanks for that. U must have read my initial post "The day I received my Joining Letter...". As I've mentioned in that post, you have to "wait" for ur joining letter. I waited for my joining letter for so long, but when I received the letter, I was the happiest person in the world :-)
Well, about ur second question about travel fare, TCS does not provide travel fare from your hometown to the ILP centre. I had ILP in Hyderabad and all the travel expenses were of my own. At the end of the ILP when you are allocated to your base branches, they give some fixed amout based on the city you are being sent to. My base branch was Mumbai and my salary account was credited with sufficient amount as to recover my travelling expenses, I dont remember the exact amount.
thanks for ur reply.It looked so nice seeing some giving his valuable suggestions nd time to sort out the freshers queries.i want to know that is there any salary hike for 2006 campus recruits.We were offered 2.36L but TCS offered 3.15L for 2007 recruits.So can be expect any hike in ur salaries.
Thanks Himanshu, It's my pleasure if I can share the information that I have with you people. I know what it feels like before joining ILP.
Well, you want to know about the salary hike. I'm not exactly aware of the actual scene but what I've heard is people who got the offer letter lately are being offered a higher package than the people joined in 2006. Also, the people who joined before July 2006 got a higher compensation this year. Don’t consider this as the final word, I still need to confirm about the salary hike. I'll let you know if I get any relevant information.
first of all I'd like to say great work! hats off! I was not sure whether i would be joining TCS...but now after reading all the posts and comments, it feels good :)
I'm from Bangalore and i want to know the odds of me getting posted there after the training.Is there any way i can improve the odds?
Also...how much cash do you suggest i carry with me for the training period since you say you got your first salary after 2 months! will that i again depend on the place?? (I heard noida is costly!!!)
Hi Hariram,
Thanks a lot. It's good to see the positive results of my efforts.
Well, the likelihood that you get your desired base branch is very high. You will be given 3 options according to your preferences. Most prob'ly you get your first choice. My choices were Mumbai, Pune, B'lore and I got Mumbai. So, don't worry. Even if you don't get your desired location, after your allocation you can request MATC for the ransfer.
About carrying money, it depends on your place of joining. As you correctly pointed out, at some places the cost of living is very high. I'd suggest not to carry too much cash, you have an option of ATM card. Carry sufficient cash that you will need instantly after getting down to the new place. Also, in 2-3 days you can hunt for the nearest ATM centre. Till that time, you must have some cash with you for expenditure on food, travelling etc. I hope you've got my point.
thanx for the inform.Hope I would be expecting some good news frm u abt the salary sonn.
i am frm production engg.So what i should do which can prove helpful during ilp.are we given the same priority as that of comp. guys.
are u having HR,Delhi no. so that i can contact him.
@ Himanshu,
You are a production engineer. Well, have you studied any technical subjects? I'd suggest you to have an overview of C++, UNIX, DMBS and Software Engineering. You are not expected to know these subjects in detail but it will be easier for you to understand them in ILP if you know them beforehand.
There are not priorities as such, but comps and non-comps people will be in separate batchs. They do this because they want to treat non-comps as total freshers and teach the subjects from scratch. Comps people are expected to know these technical subjects and they expect these technical sessions to be more interactive in case of comps people.
You can find the global HR contact numbers on http://www.tcs.com or http://careers.tcs.com.
as u have writeen i am knowing c nd c++ only and currently pursuing java.Should i start UNIx also
Hi Himanshu,
No need to learn all the subjects at a time. You are moving at a good speed. If you know C, C++ then UNIX and shellscript would be very easy to understand. Don't worry, they will teach you everything. They can't teach you in depth in just two months, but you'll get an introduction to all these topics. Futher you can excel one of them depending on your project needs.
Hi!! u r doing an excellent job..the info which u gave are really worthful..may i know the details about back ground verification....please!!!
Hello sir,
i read all the ques askd by candidates on joining and saw how patiently u answered all of them.Its really great of u to answer freshers like us in elaborate ways.
My joining is in Hyderabad on 4th Mar 2013.I wil reach there on 2/03/2013 wit dad and uncle.Havent got any details regarding my hostel yet.Heard that Manjeera or Sai Om hostels r for trainees.
I am an MCA from kolkata.
1)do u hav any idea that about how much salary wil we get in hand during ILP?
2)Is sometimes washing clothes in hostel bathroom allowed?
3)Is the laundy service reliable(i mean do they tak care of our formals well??)?
Thanks in advance.
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